PIC suite, the software powering the PIC system, is an essential part of our digital ecosystem.
The very first version of PIC suite was created and released over 12 years ago, back in 2010. It was the first software solution in the dental industry that introduced our revolutionary Unite and Conquer approach, separating the measurement of implant positions and angulations from the soft tissue scanning to achieve the best precision and predictability in multiple implant rehabilitations.
Back in May 2022, PIC dental introduced a new generation of PIC system hardware, software and form factors at The Next PIC thing product launch event (see full presentation), including a brand-new version of PIC suite, created from scratch to improve every single interaction with the system and running on our own PIC platform OS, an operating system implementation made specifically for the stability and performance demands of the PIC system.
As with all our product releases, we had a very clear cornerstone to guide our development of the new software: at PIC dental, we don’t believe in planned obsolescence. We believe that a new version of a product does not have to make the previous one outdated, if it was built to last. As part of this commitment, we made the new generation of PIC suite backwards compatible with the PIC system Legacy.
This means that all current PIC system owners have access to the latest software release with all of its new features. We decided to provide the new PIC suite generation for free to all customers who are on one of our Support Plans: it’s thanks to their trust over the years that we were able to invest in backwards compatibility from the start of the development of the new product generation over 3 years ago.
Today, more and more PIC dental customers are receiving their long-awaited PIC suite upgrade appointment. As we continue to upgrade Legacy PIC system units to the new PIC suite every week, early user reports highlight the case management improvements thanks to Lightspeed Odontogram and the dramatic increase in capture speed with Instant Capture.
We’re looking forward to completing the upgrade for all of our customers in the upcoming weeks, and to continue optimizing PIC suite to save you more time and help you scale up your full arch practice.