Scientific evidence
Recent studies conclude that the PIC system consistently delivers accuracy (both trueness and precision) that's well below the present consensus of acceptable discrepancies for a full arch passive fit.

Featured publications

Comparison between stereophotogrammetric, digital, and conventional impression techniques in implant-supported fixed complete arch prostheses: An in vitro study
This study concludes that the PIC system has the lowest deviation when compared to a conventional impression and an intraoral scanner.
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And many more
The above is just a sample: there are over 34 peer-reviewed scientific publications and reports about the PIC system.

Liu, M., Fu, X., Lai, H., Shi, J., Liu, B. Accuracy of traditional open-tray impression, stereophotogrammetry, and intraoral scanning with prefabricated aids for implant-supported complete arch prostheses with different implant distributions: An in vitro study. The Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry, 2024, ISSN 0022-3913.
Revilla-León, M., Gómez-Polo, M., Drone, M., Barmak, A. B., Guinot-Barona, C., Att, W., ... & Pérez-Barquero, J. A. (2024). Impact of scanning distance on the accuracy of a photogrammetry system. Journal of Dentistry, 142, 104854.
Revilla-León, M., Barmak, A. B., Lanis, A., & Kois, J. C. (2024). Influence of connected and nonconnected calibrated frameworks on the accuracy of complete arch implant scans obtained by using four intraoral scanners, a desktop scanner, and a photogrammetry system The Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry.
Revilla-León, M., Gómez-Polo, M., Drone, M., Barmak, A. B., Att, W., Kois, J. C., & Pérez-Barquero, J. A. (2024). Influence of implant reference on the scanning accuracy of complete arch implant scans captured by using a photogrammetry system The Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry.
Ribeiro, P.; Díaz-Castro, C.M.; Ríos-Carrasco, B.; Ríos-Santos, J.V.; Herrero-Climent, M.Stereo-Photogrammetry for Impression of Full-Arch Fixed Dental Prosthesis—An Update of the Reviews. Prosthesis, 2024, 6, 939–951. prosthesis6040068

Goncharuk-Khomyn, M., Tukalo, I., Sheveria, S., Rak, Y., Liakh, A. (2023). Experience of using photogrammetry method in modern implantological practice (literature review). Modern medicine, pharmacy and psychological health, 5 (14), с. 72–80.
Gómez-Polo M, Barmak AB, Ortega R, Rutkunas V, Kois JC, Revilla-León M. Accuracy, scanning time, and patient satisfaction of stereophotogrammetry systems for acquiring 3D dental implant positions: A systematic review. J Prosthodont. 2023;32:208–224.
Pozzi A., Agliardi E., Lio, Nagy K.,, Nardi A., & Arcuri L. (2023). Accuracy of intraoral optical scan versus stereophotogrammetry for complete-arch digital implant impression: An in vitro study. Journal of Prosthodontic Research.
Pozzi, A., Carosi, P., Gallucci, G. O., Nagy, K., Nardi, A., & Arcuri, L. (2023). Accuracy of complete- arch digital implant impression with intraoral optical scanning and stereophotogrammetry: An in vivo prospective comparative study Clinical Oral Implants Research, 00, 1–12 .
Pinto, R. J., Casado, S. A., Chmielewski, K., Caramês, J. M., & Marques, D. S. (2023). Accuracy of different digital acquisition methods in complete arch implant-supported prostheses: An in vitro study. The Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry.
Regidor, E., Ortiz-Vigón, A., Albizu, N., Izaskun, Ruiz., & Zarzuela, L., (2023). Photogrammetry in implant dentistry Gaceta Dental
Xiao-Jiao Fu, Liu, M., Liu, B.-L., Tonetti, M., Shi, J., & Lai, H.-C. (2023). Accuracy of intraoral scan with prefabricated aids and stereophotogrammetry compared with open tray impressions for complete-arch implant-supported prosthesis: A clinical study. Clinical Oral Implants Research.

Bedrossian, E. Complete digital workflow for complete arch implant therapy: Fact or fiction?. J Prosthodont. 2022;127–6.
Kosago P, Ungurawasaporn C, Kukiattrakoon B. Comparison of the accuracy between conventional and various digital implant impressions for an implant-supported mandibular complete arch-fixed prosthesis: An in vitro study. J Prosthodont. 2022;1–9.
Orejas-Perez, J.; Gimenez- Gonzalez, B.; Ortiz-Collado, I.; Thuissard, I.J.; Santamaria-Laorden, A. (2022). In Vivo Complete-Arch Implant Digital Impressions: Comparison of the Precision of Three Optical Impression Systems. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2022, 19, 4300.
Peláez Rico, J., Martín, M. C., González, M. A., Arribas, C. T., Alonso, V. R., Suárez, C. L., & García, M. J. S. (2022). Digital Impression taking for Maxillary Full-Arch Restoration with Immediate Loading. A Case Report. The Journal of Oral Implantology.

Hussein, M. (2021). Photogrammetry technology in implant dentistry: A systematic review The Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry.
Tohme,H.; Lawand,G.; Eid, R.; Ahmed, K.E.; Salameh, Z.; Makzoume, J. (2021). Accuracy of Implant Level Intraoral Scanning and Photogrammetry Impression Techniques in a Complete Arch with Angled and Parallel Implants: An In Vitro Study. Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 9859.
Revilla-León, M., Rubenstein, J., Methani, M. M., Piedra-Cascón, W., Özcan, M., & Att, W. (2021). Trueness and precision of complete-arch photogrammetry implant scanning assessed with a coordinate-measuring machine. The Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry.
Tohme, H., Lawand, G., Chmielewska, M., & Makhzoume, J. (2021). Comparison between stereophotogrammetric, digital, and conventional impression techniques in implant-supported fixed complete arch prostheses: An in vitro study. The Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry.
Sallorenzo, A., & Gómez-Polo, M. (2021). Comparative study of the accuracy of an implant intraoral scanner and that of a conventional intraoral scanner for complete-arch fixed dental prostheses. The Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry.

Rodríguez-Fernández, E., Sánchez-Gil, A. & Maurice, S. (2020). Photogrammetry is Superior to Conventional Impression Techniques in Cases Requiring Six or More Implants. EC Dental Science 19.2 (2020): 01-09.

Molinero-Mourelle, P., Lam, W., Cascos-Sánchez, R., Azevedo, L., & Gómez-Polo, M. (2019). Photogrammetric and intraoral digital impression technique for the rehabilitation of multiple unfavorably positioned dental implants: A clinical report. Journal of Oral Implantology, 45(5), 398-402.
Sánchez-Monescillo, A., Hernanz-Martín, J., González-Serrano, C., González-Serrano, J., & Duarte Jr, S. (2019). All-on-four rehabilitation using photogrammetric impression technique. Quintessence Int, 50, 288-293.

Suarez, M. J., Paisal, I., Rodriguez-Alonso, V., & Lopez-Suarez, C. (2017). Combined Stereophotogrammetry and Laser-Sintered, Computer-Aided Milling Framework for an Implant-Supported Mandibular Prosthesis: A Case History Report. The International Journal of Prosthodontics, 31(1), 60-62.

Gómez-Polo, M., Gómez-Polo, C., Del Río, J., & Ortega, R. (2018). Stereophotogrammetric impression making for polyoxymethylene, milled immediate partial fixed dental prostheses. The Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry, 119(4), 506-510.
Peñarrocha-Diago, M., Balaguer-Martí, J. C., Peñarrocha-Oltra, D., Balaguer-Martínez, J. F., Peñarrocha-Diago, M., & Agustín-Panadero, R. (2017). A combined digital and stereophotogrammetric technique for rehabilitation with immediate loading of complete-arch, implant-supported prostheses: A randomized controlled pilot clinical trial. The Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry, 118(5), 596-603.

Sánchez-Monescillo, A., Sánchez-Turrión, A., Vellon-Domarco, E., Salinas-Goodier, C., & Prados-Frutos, J. C. (2016). Photogrammetry Impression Technique: A Case History Report. The International journal of prosthodontics, 29(1), 71-73.
Aiuto, R., Peñarrocha Oltra, D., Augustin Panadero, R., Peñarrocha Diago, M., & Re, D. (2016). Photogrammetry as an alternative to impression taking in oral implantoprosthesis. Il Dentista Moderno, 34(9), 66-74.

Peñarrocha-Oltra, D., Agustín-Panadero, R., Pradíes, G., Gomar-Vercher, S., & Peñarrocha-Diago, M. (2017). Maxillary Full-Arch Immediately Loaded Implant-Supported Fixed Prosthesis Designed and Produced by Photogrammetry and Digital Printing: A Clinical Report. Journal of Prosthodontics, 26(1), 75-81.
Agustín-Panadero, R., Peñarrocha-Oltra, D., Gomar-Vercher, S., & Peñarrocha-Diago, M. (2015). Stereophotogrammetry for Recording the Position of Multiple Implants: Technical Description. International Journal of Prosthodontics, 28(6).

Peñarrocha-Oltra, D., Agustín-Panadero, R., Bagán, L., Giménez, B., & Peñarrocha, M. (2014). Impression of multiple implants using photogrammetry: description of technique and case presentation. Medicina Oral, Patología Oral y Cirugía Bucal, 19(4), e366.
Pradíes, G., Ferreiroa, A., Özcan, M., Giménez, B., & Martínez-Rus, F. (2014). Using stereophotogrammetric technology for obtaining intraoral digital impressions of implants. The Journal of the American Dental Association, 145(4), 338-344.