Celebrating 10 years of scientific validation with 3 new studies of PIC system Legacy
As we celebrate a decade of peer-reviewed scientific research of PIC system Legacy, new studies published in 2024 validate our...
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As we celebrate a decade of peer-reviewed scientific research of PIC system Legacy, new studies published in 2024 validate our...
In this clinical study conducted in vitro, the accuracy of the PIC system was found to outperform that of an intraoral scanner for...
The PIC system Legacy provided the best accuracy when assessing the accuracy of intraoral scanner impression methods in...
The PIC system Legacy provided the best accuracy in this study when compared to conventional and different intraoral scanner...
This in vivo clinical study compared the accuracy of various optical impression systems in a full arch, resulting in the PIC...
This case report describes a maxillary full arch restoration with immediate loading employing an entirely digital workflow.
This in vitro study compares the accuracy of the PIC system with an intraoral scanner on a 6-implant full arch model. In the...
This study concludes that the PIC system has the lowest deviation when compared to a conventional impression and an intraoral...